. . _.-'\ |\-"""-/| /`-._ _.-` `. / \ ,' '-._ _.' `._ ; \ / ; _,' `._ .' `-.: :.-' `. ,` , , '. ,` '. / \ :,-"""-, ,-"""-,: /' ` ' '\ : : : ,-"""-, ,-"""-, : /' `. _.-' '-._ .' '\ \ .` : : '. / . .` : : '. . :/ : : \: : : : : 【-】【-】【-】【-】 ЯΣΛƧӨПIПG FӨЯ DӨX: Hate is one of the most active extorters And participates in every extortion opportunity he gets, and he needs to be stopped, he has extorted more than 100 girls in the past year alone. 【-】【-】【-】【-】 【-】【-】【-】【-】 PΣЯƧӨПΛᄂ IПFӨ: First Name: Jayden Second Name: Daniel Last Name: Jones DOB: 17/9/2007 Country: United Kingdom City: Birmingham Address: 2 Alcester Rd S, King’s Heath Postal: B14 7PU 【-】【-】【-】【-】 【-】【-】【-】【-】 FΛMIᄂY IПFӨ: Sibling Name: Charlie Last Name: Jones DOB: 8/6/2019 Age: 5 Father Name: Adrian Last Name: Jones DOB: 7/11/1982 Mother Name: Julia Last Name: Stirling DOB: 18/3/1983 【-】【-】【-】【-】 【-】【-】【-】【-】 ӨПᄂIПΣ IПFӨ: Phone: Samsung S20 Ultra Personal Phone Hint: +44********31 Phone Code: +44 Email: hating@mailum.com Telegram: @lmhate Tele ID: 6334664163 Pseudonym: Hate, Hate764, HateST, Karma. Groups: 764, 8884, s.p.y, slittown, SFM, KNR. 【-】【-】【-】【-】 【-】【-】【-】【-】 ΣDЦᄃΛƬIӨП IПFӨ: College: Edgbaston College Address: 37 George Rd, Birmingham Postal: B15 1PL 【-】【-】【-】【-】 【-】【-】【-】【-】 IP IПFӨ: IP: VPN: Yes ISP: Janet University Network Company: University of Birmingham 【-】【-】【-】【-】 【-】【-】【-】【-】 ӨƬΉΣЯ IПFӨ: Job: Construction Relationship: Taken Last associated Egirl: sherri Some of his content (WARNING): https://files.catbox.moe/9ctqp1.zip 【-】【-】【-】【-】 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ ___ /\ \ /\__\ /\ \ /::\ \ /::\ \ /::\ \ /\ \ /::\ \ /::| | \:\ \ /:/\:\ \ /:/\:\ \ /:/\:\ \ \:\ \ /:/\:\ \ /:|:| | \:\ \ /::\~\:\ \ /::\~\:\ \ /:/ \:\__\ /::\__\ /::\~\:\ \ /:/|:| |__ /::\ \ /:/\:\ \:\__\ /:/\:\ \:\__\ /:/__/ \:|__| __/:/\/__/ /:/\:\ \:\__\ /:/ |:| /\__\ /:/\:\__\ \/_|::\/:/ / \/__\:\/:/ / \:\ \ /:/ / /\/:/ / \/__\:\/:/ / \/__|:|/:/ / /:/ \/__/ |:|::/ / \::/ / \:\ /:/ / \::/__/ \::/ / |:/:/ / /:/ / |:|\/__/ /:/ / \:\/:/ / \:\__\ /:/ / |::/ / \/__/ |:| | /:/ / \::/__/ \/__/ /:/ / /:/ / \|__| \/__/ ~~ \/__/ \/__/